
Welcome to our TTI Blog Page!

Posted by Matt Younkers on Aug 19th 2021

Welcome to our TTI Blog Page!

FREE Alpha Brain

First off, I want to thank all of our loyal customers who have been around since the beginning. To the new users who have joined our team thank you for taking us into consideration and we hope we have surpassed the standards of other products that you have used in this industry. We hope you have all enjoyed the experience we’ve been able to provide thus far. Our plan/goals with this blog will be to educate, inform, and of course entertain the TTI community.

We want to be as transparent as possible with our community and we would like to receive any feedback when it comes to anything TTI-related. For example, if you try something with our products that is not advertised, and it ends up working for you we would love to know! That way we can get that information to everyone (With our AR15 PMAG extension a user tried it on his PMAG for an Aug and it worked)!

We want to build on this community, share our story and vision and we want to pull YOU into it. You are the community, and we want to get you looped in on what’s going on with future projects, or even projects you think we should start.

What do “I” get by keeping my eyes on the blog?

On the blog, you can find exclusive deals, content, and other specials that will drop here first! Get a head start on what’s coming down the line for TTI and get to hear/see stories you won’t get anywhere else. Welcome to our blog page, we are very excited to get this section going.


First drop, keep an eye out for our yard sale / Blemish page where you can purchase products at a highly discounted rate.


Banners for sale on Gun broker signed by the legend himself Taran Butler. Partial proceeds to be donated to pro 2A organization.

Gun Broker item # 908680319