Review From Chicago
I placed my order Dec 25, 2022 and received my pistol some time in early September. I have a Staccato XC, C2 with compensator, CS, and a Wilson combat EDC X9. Its most comparable (obviously) to the Staccato XC: XC slide is a little wider than the frame (never noticed until i held the pitviper) and very well tuned to reset; its flat out great. The Pitviper feels like a highly modified XC - the springs are a lot lighter; the slide feels slighly more "polished" and a lot easier to grip. I did notice some trigger skipping, but that might just be me mag dumping as fast as possible - which isn't a normal range occurance. I noticed that the second shot almost strays downward which is a bit different (vs fighting upward drift). I've had my first triple groups (fast AF) with this pistol. All the edges are sharp and really great if you're working with gloves. No issues with mag release or mags getting stuck, front optic has stayed just fine (about 2k rounds in, a lot of mag dumps). All that said, its Chicago typewriter worthy; sh*t is fast. Smaller than it may look. Happy purchase and worth the wait.