Grand Master (Silicone Carbide) - Grand Master is a 2-Part Epoxy stipple type. This style provides the most aggressive texture, much like skateboard grip tape (not recommended for concealed carry use). Please Note: The finger grooves must be removed for this process. Additionally, with heavy use this stipple type will wear down. For re-application, please call in to place your order at a fixed cost of $200.00. This style is Taran’s personal favorite!
- Regular (Full Wrap) – This classic stipple type is a favorite with our customers! This stipple style permanently manipulates the frame, and the added texture provides exceptional firearm control. Note: This stipple style will take a copious amount of use for noticeable wear to show.

Scallop Cut - An “ice cream scoop” cut done around the magazine release for more seamless magazine drops and reloads.
Not available for Gen 4/5 firearms as this work would compromise the structural integrity of the frames.

- Finger Groove Removal - Larger handed individuals may prefer to remove finger grooves for a more comfortable grip. Removing the finger grooves will reduce the size of the grip, and allow for easier handling of the firearm.
- Accelerator Cut/Support Patch - This cut is designed for the shooter's hands to find their natural point of rest easier and more efficiently.
- Our support finger stipple patch (included with all stipple packages) is a rectangle shape, whereas the Accelerator cut is a triangle shape. The Accelerator cuts unique pattern will more naturally align with the shooter's support thumb and provide a shelf for the shooter to apply leverage to help maintain muzzle control.
- Left/right – If the shooter is right handed, the support patch and or Accelerator cut will then be on the left side, and vice versa.
- Ambidextrous - Support patch and or Accelerator cut will be added on both sides on the index point.
- Grip Reduction - To give the firearm a more ergonomic feel, material is removed from the back strap of the frame. We take enough material off to improve the grip, without compromising the structural integrity of the firearm. The length of the frame remains the same, as we only change the overall circumference. This upgrade is great for shooter’s with smaller hands, or for those who prefer a more traditional grip angle.

Single Undercut – The corner area where the trigger guard and pistol grip meet is cut and polished to allow the user's hand to ride higher onto the frame for better control. This upgrade allows the shooter's hand to easily rest in the grip. Additionally, this upgrade helps with the infamous 'Glock knuckle'.
Double Undercut – Along with the single cut, an additional cut is added in the middle of the trigger guard for your support/non-dominant hand. This extra cut is recommended for individuals with larger hands. Having both cuts provides great indicator points for the shooter's hands to go to the same position every time.

- Carry Wrap - Regular stipple wrapped around on the front, back, and dominant hand side of frame. For example, if you're right handed, for a firmer grip we will apply stippling on the right side of the grip as well as the front/back. Support side will remain untouched.
- Carry Stipple - Regular stipple on the front, and back of the grip. The sides would remain smooth, to avoid snagging skin or fabric.
Shotgun Stipple Work
- Our Benelli Rear Stock Stippling allows for more traction/grip on the stock, and will help the shooter gain better recoil control.
- All stippling is done by hand with state of the art equipment.
- Only regular stipple can be done on shotguns
- Pistol grip will not be stippled